The month of May has been extremely overwhelming. Not gonna put all of my business out there but right now I'm definitely in need of a fresh start. So in the month of June I'm gonna focus mainly on myself and gaining a FULL understanding of myself and getting my emotions in check. Because lately I've been an emotional wreck and trying to push my feelings to the side like it's nothing isn't as easy as it used to be. My memory card is officially full and I need to get some of this mess out of my system. It's unhealthy. I barely sleep and I don't eat as much as I used to. NEVER HUNGRY and that's odd for me. I always "claim" to do these things to get ppl off my back. I went from weighing 135 to 127. UNHEALTHY! I recently talked to my friend
Dru and omg I thank God for this guy! He made me feel like I wasn't alone throughout this whole situation and made me realize a lot of things about myself. His words so encouraging and hit so close to home. I'm SO GLAD we got back in contact. He's one of the greatest guys ever. Hate on it if you wanna! But I refuse to let this bring me down. So I'm gonna try my best to walk with my head held high and a smile on my face; a real one. So please keep me in your prayers, my loves.